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TSE Media Group Launches Campaign for the Trade Show & Event Recovery Act


CHICAGO – Trade Show Executive Media Group has launched a campaign to drive industry-wide support for the Trade Show and Event Recovery Act, proposed legislation for the U.S. Congress that would create a tax-incentive stimulus program to help drive the recovery of all sectors involved in trade shows.

The Trade Show Event Recovery Act proposes the following:

  • Exhibitors and attendees will qualify for government assistance by means of a tax credit for costs associated with their involvement in trade shows.
  • The elimination of the restrictions for travel and entertainment deductions.
  • A method for recovery, by trade show organizers, for any extraordinary expenses related to the sanitation and the prevention of infectious disease within their events.
  • These tax incentives will effectively remain in place for a four-year period after enactment to insure the long-term stability of the U.S. trade show industry.

“Given the current economic situation, we believe many companies will not have cash reserves to exhibit or even attend future trade shows or industry events,” said Rick Simon, Chairman of Trade Show Executive Media in a letter to industry leaders. “In requesting a tax credit, our goal is to immediately jump-start the return of trade shows and events, stimulating the airline and hotel industries, along with the large number of venues and vendors that employ millions of professionals and tradespeople.”

In order for the Trade Show and Event Recovery Act to be successful, “we must unite as industry leaders and encourage Congress to act now,” Simon said. “Add your name and company affiliation to our growing list of industry leaders that have pledged their support to the creation and passage of the Trade Show & Event Recovery Act.” This information can be emailed to

“Additionally, I invite you to learn about the extensive and expert efforts of our industry partners’ Go Live Together coalition campaign,” Simon said. “This important campaign is aimed at bringing the diverse group of businesses by amplifying all our voices together. Visit for these helpful business resources, including letter templates you can use to send to government officials imploring their support for The Trade Show and Event Recovery Act.”

Read the entire letter

Reach Rick Simon at (312) 822-9558 or

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