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Producer Sees Role for Trade Shows in Business Segments


Malibu, CA – A Los Angeles-area television production company has caught on to the vital role trade shows play in the business world and is giving them a center-stage role.

Heartbeat of America, Inc. produces television videos for companies to get their names and products in front of prospective customers. The segments take place against the backdrop of a trade show and will include a wide-angle look at the exhibition itself.

Bert Tenzer, a veteran film director who founded Heartbeat of America shortly after September 11, 2001, has been an ardent supporter of the entrepreneurs that make the U.S. economy run. He came to realize that exhibitions also play a central role in the economy as his company built an ever-growing library of more than 1,200 30-minute segments about individual entrepreneurs.

“We discovered that right in front of us – and more important than ever – is the trade show,” said Tenzer. “It brings all of these people together at one time. There are thousands of prospective clients for a particular entrepreneur.”

Standing out from the crowd is the goal behind Heartbeat of America. “Many people fail to realize the significance of trade shows,” Tenzer said. “Yet when we asked our clients how they introduced their product or services to the market, they said their medium of choice is the trade show.”

Though he has been part of Hollywood since the 1970s, Tenzer is excited about the new world the trade show industry has opened up to him. “We decided to feature the trade show at the opening of our show,” he said. “We show the impact of the exhibition on an industry in terms introducing new products.”

The trade show ties the entire segment together. It acts as a link between the industry served by the show and the specific company portrayed by Heartbeat of America, which Tenzer said is often a start-up or small firm seeking sunlight in the forest of major competitors.

Top Talent

Trade shows by nature are visually stimulating and brimming with interesting content. Heartbeat of America adds a coat of top-notch production capability and interviews handled by experienced on-air talent. The company’s roster includes Doug Llewelyn, the long-time host of the The People’s Court and network news alums Dana Andrews and Bella Shaw. Actor William Shatner has also appeared on Heartbeat of America segments.

Reach Bert Tenzer at (310) 317-0070 x203 or

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