
This Just In

NAB Lowers Drayage Fee for Exhibitors


LAS VEGAS — In a move that will significantly reduce the cost of exhibiting at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas, the trade organization dropped its drayage fee nearly 40%, from $6.35 to $3.85 per square foot of booth space.

Why? A Tradeshow Logic survey in which NAB exhibitors took part revealed that their greatest challenge was the high and unpredictable costs associated with transporting show materials.

“We understand that participating in events like NAB Show requires a significant investment in time and money, and we are committed to doing all we can to address major pain points to ensure the NAB Show remains the best value in the business.  Freeman is a critical strategic partner with whom we have been able to explore and address various show needs. We are grateful they were willing to work with us to make this unique material handling program possible,” said Chris Brown, Executive Vice President, Conventions and Business Operations at NAB. “It is a model that will yield immediate savings for many of our exhibitors and provide greater budget certainty for all. Additionally, we have worked with industry consulting firm Trade Show Logic to build a complete ‘NAB Cares’ program that is focused on improving ROI and the exhibitor experience across the board, to include services like electrical, rigging, Internet and even catering.”

The next NAB Show takes place April 6-11, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Reach Chris Brown at (202) 429-5335 or

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